Once found only in boutique coffeehouses, cold-brew coffee has grown up in a big way: One in five Americans say they drink cold-brew coffee regularly or occasionally, according to a 2019 report from the National Coffee Association.

We seek to serve the highest quality, cold brewed coffee through dedication and excellence. The organic farmers who we source coffee from utilize shade grown practices that leave little environmental impact where biodiversity flourishes, beautifully wildlife thrives in this natural environment, beautifully wildlife thrives in this natural environment including the Quetzal bird, which is native to the highlands of South and Central America where many coffee farms are located.

Cold-brew coffee is a very different beast from either iced coffee or the bottled coffee products (cappuccino, mochaccino, and other coffee-based drinks) sold at the supermarket. All of those start with standard hot coffee that’s then chilled, creating a drink that has all of the bitterness and acidity of regular coffee, just minus the heat.

To mask that bitterness, many coffee drinkers (and manufacturers of the bottled beverages) add heaps of sugar and glugs of milk or cream—and plenty of calories with them. Cold-brew coffee, on the other hand, is brewed in cold or room-temperature water over many hours (usually 12 to 24 hours) and yields a brew that tastes smoother with less bitterness and acidity.

Cold brew is made with the same beans you’d use for regular coffee, but they’re ground more coarsely. To avoid a weak, watery drink, cold-brew coffee also requires at least twice the grounds needed for traditional hot brewing, which explains why cold-brew coffee can be pricey, whether you buy it at a coffeehouse or supermarket, or whip up a batch at home.

In today’s economy there’s a popular desire in enjoying environmentally conscious products that improve the world. We are here to take care of people who believe in this purpose and make them feel good about partaking with our cold brewed coffee. We love our people, we love the cause, while making coffee is our thank you, to you.